Monday, 2 January 2012

Choose Your Home Inspector Wisely

“If you want to be a successful home inspector, you should make sure your company name begins with the letter ‘A’ and plenty of them!”

This comment, delivered by my brother-in-law, was a rather eye-opening statement that inspired this blog post. From this remark, it seems that some homeowners assume that amongst home inspectors there is equality in terms of their credentials, knowledge and experience. However, this is far from a factual statement.

The truth is, anyone can take a course to completion and get a nice “Certified Home Inspector” label. But no single course, nor even a collection of courses, can prepare you for all of the significant conditions that one is faced with as a home inspector and furthermore, failure to meet the standards of professional service may lead to serious repercussions. An error in judgement can result in catastrophic financial loss or even death by carbon monoxide poisoning, electrocution, or other causes.

So it would seem that at the end of the day, simply opening the Yellow Pages and picking the first guy on the list might prove more hazardous then you first anticipated. Even more so because the home inspection business remains completely unregulated in Canada and any self-proclaiming “professional” whom often does not have training, insurance, or written reports can offer their services to unsuspecting homeowners.
Be sure to find out what your inspector did before they became a home inspector because there is no substitute for experience. Period.

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